Natural Olive Oil – Benefits for Skin

Natural Olive Oil
Leonardo Olive Oil July 10, 2015 Benefits of Olive Oil, DIY, Natural Olive Oil 5200 Views

Natural Olive Oil

Natural Olive oil is one of the most valuable natural products and is known to have very high nourishing benefit since it was discovered around 5,000 years back. Olive oil is obtained from the olive tree which is the inhabitant of the Mediterranean basin.

You may consider olive oil as an essential ingredient for your food cupboard, but it also can be an essential part of your makeup bag as well. It is vitamin E-rich beauty powerhouse that can help you to look younger, keep your skin feeling soft and soothe it as well.

Olive oil was usually used in Egypt as a cosmetic and is still used in many Mediterranean countries as a natural beauty product. Always keep a bottle in your bathroom cupboard to discover the advantages of olive oil in skin care as part of your day-to-day beauty routine.

The chemical make-up of olive oil is very much similar to the skin’s natural olive oil as compared to other oils found in nature. Below are the skin benefits from olive oil:

  1. To combat extremely dry skin problems, massage those areas with warm olive oil. Since it has renewing power, regular usage ensures that your skin will remain smooth as well as toned and firmed.
  2. Make a face mask using olive oil and mashed avocados and apply it on your face. Let it work on your skin for 20 to 25 minutes and then wash it off. This mask will have the rejuvenating effect and leave your skin looking fresh.
  3. Another great face mask to nourish your skin with olive oil can be made by combining together 1 tablespoon of honey, with 1 tablespoon olive oil and yolk of one egg. Mix them well together and apply on a clean face. Let this mask stay for 15-20 minutes after which rinse it off with lukewarm water. This mask hydrates the skin and helps in evening out the skin and maintaining the natural skin tone.
  4. Say goodbye to expensive and fancy makeup removers. Just pick up a bottle of olive oil and wipe off all the makeup residual and dirt from your face. It will clear up your pores, plus it does not sting the eyes. It is a very light makeup remover.
  5. Get rid of the ugly looking stretch marks with olive oil. The regenerative quality of natural olive oil and presence of vitamin E increases the elasticity of the skin. It not only helps in preventing stretch marks from coming back but will also lighten the existing ones. Start massaging hot olive oil on the affected areas three times a week and gradually see the changes.
  6. Olive oil is a great sunscreen as well soothes the sunburns. Blend in the equal amount of olive oil and tea decoction, apply it all over the face and body. Leave it for approximately for 1 hour and rinse (do not wash). It will leave a light coating on a skin which will act as a natural and nourishing sunscreen.
  7. To have a glowing skin, opt for a warm olive oil massage. A weekly olive oil massage will improve blood circulation and keep your skin looking young and hydrated. Mix few drops of essential oils with natural olive oil and pamper your skin with the much-required attention and you will be blessed with a happy skin.

To gain maximum skin benefits from olive oil, use extra virgin olive oil as it in one of the finest one. Do you know some other ways to use olive oil for skin?

Feel free to share your own beauty secrets with us. Also to know more secrets of olive oil visit: